We offer a wide range of skating programs tailored to fit every need

CanSkate is Skate Canada’s official “Learn to Skate” program. It is highly regarded by other ice sport organizations as the favoured curriculum to develop the skills needed to participate in their sports. It is also an excellent program to teach Canadians to skate for the joy of skating at any age or ability.
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Adult skating is growing in popularity and more and more clubs are offering programing for skaters 18 years and older.
Adult skaters are able to participate in all Skate Canada programs such as Canskate, Star 1 - 5, SynchroSkate and Star 6 - Gold.
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Private Lesson Ticket Ice
Private Lesson Ticket Ice provides skaters in the Canskate and StarSkate levels with the opportunity to take private lessons with a NCCP Certified Coach.